squirrel painting

Herein lies the design assets for Roadie. These files contain nearly a year's worth of work by yours truly, Matt D. Smith. It is with great honor that I'm now able to pass the torch to you, dear reader.

I've outlined the folder contents below to help you get familiar, but if you'd prefer to skip ahead, be my guest.

00 From Client

Random files that were sent to me by Two Way Dialogue or Roadie–– Fonts, Icon sets, etc.

01 Assets

Here you can find the Roadie logo, the badges created for the app, wireframes from Big Nerd Ranch, Roadie promo photos, Photoshop files used to create various assets, and other miscellaneous goodies.

02 Style Guide

This contains the iOS app style guide (created with Sketch Beta v3.3, designed at @1x. Most iOS screens were originally designed @2x for the iPhone 5. During the middle of our design cycle the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus were announced. Moving forward designing @1x (320px wide) is the way to go.

03 iPhone

These are all of the Sketch files used to design the iPhone screens. Most of these were designed @2x for the iPhone 5, but moving forward it's best to convert to @1x when possible. Remember, Sketch Beta v3.3 was used to create these.

04 Android

These are all of the Sketch files used to design the Android screens. I designed the originals, but since then Kar from Big Nerd Ranch designed a lot of additional screens and made modifications in conjunction with the BNR dev team. If the Android files you're looking for aren't in here, there's a good chance Kar, from Big Nerd, would know.

05 Website

Ah, the website folder. In here you'll find the source files Banner Ads, the roadie.com website, social media avatars and cover photos, as well as updated web registration files for allowing users to sign up as senders through the website. Martin Perets coded all of this up with his amazing front-end wizardry, so if you have any questions on that front, fire him an email.

06 Emails

Electronic messages designed in Sketch. You can find the source files for all of these layouts in here. There's even a coded version of one of them that I built in Mailchimp's drag and drop email editor.

07 Animations

Animations for custom app loaders including the truck and squirrel. These were built in Flash because that's the animation software Matt is most familiar with. There are also some *gasp* animated banner ads that were created in Adobe Edge. Please note: Google Ad network doesn't allow HTML5 ads built outside of their own Google Ad builder. We learned this the hard way. *pours one out for Adobe Edge*

08 Review

Whenever design files get saved and exported for review, they've gone here. The subfolders are organized by natural language, so it's easy to navigate. Sometimes there's a third layer, for example:

  • 08-Review > Gig > Completed
  • 08-Review > Gig > Create
  • 08-Review > Gig > Detail
  • 08-Review > Gig > Price

Each one of these folders are also dated so it's easy to tell when certain designs where created and what the latest versions are. For example:

  • 08-Review > UI Audit > 2015.01.22
  • 08-Review > UI Audit > 2015.01.22
  • 08-Review > UI Audit > 2015.02.02
  • 08-Review > UI Audit > 2015.02.03
  • and so on...

09 Decks

This contains proposals, decks, whatever you like to call it. Some assets, some InDesign layouts. All good things.

10 Handoff

This is the folder that currently holds the very files you are now viewing. Very meta, I know.

Alrighty, now you're ready to view the assets. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll be happy to help you out. You can reach me here.




P.S. If you'd like to learn a little more about how I use dropbox for client reviews, you can check out this article.